Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Gifts From My Mother

I love my mother, but she can be a very trying woman.  I say in all honesty that I have never seen a mother-daughter pair as different from each other as we are.  And I like it that way.  I have done all in my power to ensure I was not like her and I think I have succeeded for the most part.

Sometimes, my significant other tells me "You sounded just like your mom there!" or "You kind of look like her when you do that".  He says it jokingly.  I think.  I hope.  

But there are some things I did inherit from my mom.

1.  Don't it Make Your Blue Eyes….Blue

I have my mother's eyes.  And her hair.  I don't mind the eyes.  The hair could take a hike but really, that's not her fault, is it?  Genetics can't really be blamed on anyone, that's just the way the hair frizzes.

2.  Attitude is Everything...or Sometimes Nothing

I hate to admit that I have some of my mother's crappy attitude.  I don't cry when I can't find my bank card, but often I catch myself saying something that wouldn't be out of line for my mother to say.  I have been called cynical in the past, on more than one occasion. Bitchy on a couple of other occasions.  Regardless, everything is a bloody tragedy to my mother.  Taking one of her pets to the vets is reason for a mental breakdown and the commonly heard "Why does this shit always happen to us?"  What shit, I'll ask.  You drove the dog to the vet and had to wait a bit.  See, a tragedy.  

3.  You Can't Live without Common Sense - Or maybe you can.

A few years ago, my Mom and Dad bought a house.  Somehow, they allowed the real estate agent to talk them out of getting a building inspection.  A year later they were replacing the roof.  At first, my mother didn't understand how a 10 year old house with 20 year shingles needed re-roofing.  Then she figured it out.  And it was okay because she decided the reason the shingles didn't last long was due to the fact that it's very hot on her roof. 

Yes, that's right.  The sun is very hot on HER roof.  Only her roof.  Not her neighbour's roofs or my roof or anyone else in the northern hemisphere.  Just her roof.

I tried to point out the folly of this statement in the hopes that she wouldn't repeat this in front of non-family members but she refused to listen.  She said "No, no, the sun shines down on my roof, it's so hot here, the air conditioner is on all the time".  Uh huh.  Okay.  Whatever.

4.  Only Give an Opinion if You're Asked for One and Even Then, No One Really Wants It

My mother loves to give unsolicited advice.  Just LOVES it.  No one else does but that doesn't matter. 

So it was with a giggle I listened to her berate me about spending money... on my house.  Yes, my house.  I am not planning to do a runner to Costa Rica and neglecting all my responsibilities.  I am going to improve my home.  I now have the money to do it and I have planned it down to the penny.  I have no debts other than my house and car.  I am finally financially secure.  And if I want to buy a bloody fur coat (not that I would) and lay in it naked as a bird in the snow, I bloody well can! 

So I go "yep" and "uh huh" and "whatever" while she gives me her two cents worth.  Then she proceeds to tell me how much money she's lost at the casino that month and I say "Wow, imagine what you could have done with THAT money?"  People in glass houses shouldn't throw big fat jewels that they don't need…..or something like that.

5.  I Hate Everything About You

Another little part of my mother I inherited is her dislike of most people.  Well, let me rephrase that.  My mother dislikes most people.  They are either too rude, too haughty, too opinionated (that's rich!) or too whatever for her liking.  I don't dislike most people but it doesn't take that much to make me dislike them.  There's the difference.  I have sometimes met someone and within minutes decided that I didn't like them and it was usually founded.  My mother just hates everyone.  It's so bad that when she actually says she likes someone, I am shocked and wonder if they gave her money.

6.  May the judgment of God come slamming down on your head.

Perhaps the best trait I inherited from my mother is an innate sense of justice and fairness.  We both go insane when we read stories about the unfairness of life and the horrible things people do and ultimately get away with.  The difference is, I don't watch the news or follow politics.  I do read the Toronto Star but I pick and chose non-volatile stories that won't make my blood boil.  My mother is the opposite.  She engrosses herself in murder trials from the States that she can watch on TV and starts arguments on Facebook about politics.  Frankly, I don't get it and can't be bothered.  The world will remain unfair and unjust, that's just life.  And getting ones knickers in a knot over something you have no way of controlling?  Not worth it.  Life's too short.  Care more about the people in your life and maybe helping out someone in need - a much better way of expending your energy.  At the very least, read a book for God sakes.

7.  Temper Temper

I had her temper.  It's a fiery Mediterranean bomb that can go off without warning, terrifying animals, small children and significant others.  Strangers witness to it may call 911.  It's scary. Thankfully, I have been taking happy pills since February and it's put a damper on the temper.  My motto now is "I don't care". 

8.  Where have all the good people gone.

I truly love my mother.  While my siblings and I often laugh and shake our heads at her rantings, deep down I know she's a very good person.  And like all mothers, she's sacrificed and gone without so her children could have the best that she could afford.  Thanks Mom.