Friday, May 14, 2010

Who is Justin Bieber (or enter other talentless hack here) and why should I care? Pet Peeve #3

It never fails to amaze me how many talentless (I don't want to call them performers because they're not, but then again, they must at the very least be actors to pretend they're good at what they do) people there are in the music world today. Half of them I have never heard of. But there's a few that I think the music industry could do without.....

1. I first heard about Justin Bieber on my favourite morning radio show. They were making fun of him. I figured that it was probably warranted. I asked my 21 year old son if he had ever heard about this kid and he told me about an interview he did on a recent tour in New Zealand when the word "German" confused the kid. Apparently, he didn't know what that word meant and quipped that "we don't use that word in America". What about Canada? Do we use that word here? I mean, there are German-Canadians, no? I remember learning about Hitler's Germany in school. Do they not cover World War II anymore? I mean, German? Perhaps Bieber is German for "bad haircut". On the Oprah show recently, he told her that he has "no clue" why girls scream when he's on stage. Me neither Justin. Me neither.

2. Lady Gaga? What the hell is a Lady Gaga? I am guessing she took her name from the Queen song "Radio Gaga" but I could be wrong. I don't know what to say. Really I don't. I read that she was a hermaphrodite. So does one deduce that she's more woman than man? I don’t know. She scares me. I mean, Marilyn Manson is a scary looking dude. But he doesn't sing songs like "Poker Face". To me, just one of thousands of manufactured pop drivel that anyone could sing with Auto Tune. Yuck. Also yuck is her clothes. My God…..

3. Speaking of Auto Tune - Miley Cyrus. Ok, there should be limits. The girl simply can not carry a tune. I don’t get it. My 26 year old son could make the Pope swear and cover his ears with his lack of singing talent. If someone had come to me when he was fifteen years old and said "We're going to make your son a star!", I would have asked "What exactly are you smoking and is it possible for me to get some". I mean, come on! Just because her daddy had one crappy hit 20 years ago? Give me a break!

4. Katy Perry…..she kissed a girl. So damn what? This makes her a star? Again, this is a case of OVER-manufactured crap that I am sure the youth of today could do without.

5. Lastly, although I was going to avoid it, I feel I must as a music fan, bring up the "Idol" series. I hate it. And talking about it gives me stomach pains. So I will make this quick. I think back to bands like Green Day. Struggling for years. Great musicians all of them. A talented song writer that can intelligently put a string of words together to make verses and choruses. Plays a Gibson like no one's business. Then I look at the contestants on the "Idols". Enough said.

**As an end to this entry I would like to bring up the iTunes top five downloads for this week for Canada. Ready?

1. California Gurls (Feat. Snoop Dogg) Kathy Perry
2. Jesse's Girl (Glee Cast version) Glee Cast
3. OMG (Feat. Will I Am) Usher
4. Break My Heart (Feat. Ludicris) Taio Cruz
5. Alejandro Lady Gaga

Is it just me or is there a lot of "featuring" going on. Does two talentless hacks in a song make the song better? I don't get it.
Maybe I am just getting old.......


  1. You must be getting old. While our parents (or their parents) were concerned that the advent of rock and roll was ruining music, we have now somehow gone backwards. Now we can say to our kids that reality shows, auto tune, etc is ruining music. I have however downloaded the music by the Glee cast so I'm sure my opinion will have no value. I find that this does not only apply to the music business. I am stunned at the amount of so called celebrities out there when they haven't ever been in a tv show or movie. They showed up at a club? They dated someone who knew someone that had a small part in a sex tape? And don't even get me started on the stupid Housewives of New York and similar shows or Jersey Shore. And now these idiots are considered celebrities, trend setters, someone to care about and hear about on the news! No wonder real actors have had to become humanitarians, they've been pushed to the back of the tabloids!

  2. I wouldn't say your opinion has no value because you've downloaded music by Glee (which I have no clue about); as I recall, you do have some good music on your iPod so I will give you a pass. It's funny, my parent's never complained about the music I listened to, probably because I was really into Brit Rock as a teenager and my Dad loved it. Regardless, I agree with your take on the so-called "celebrity" moniker these people have somehow managed to adopt. I don't get it. Way back when to be a celebrity, you won an Oscar for a particularly inspiring role. Or you were a Beatle or a Rolling Stone. Your music had substance. You sold out Shea Stadium or created a masterpiece of an album. Now, you just have to dress like a moron, have teenagers flock to your shows and buy your crap on iTunes and lets not forget the Britney Spears-like drivel that makes it on MTV to the chagrin of people that can't understand what the hype's about.
    Sorry to ramble but it's a subject that never fails to raise the hairs on my neck.
