Wednesday, June 16, 2010

All my People Right Here, Right Now, Do You Know What I Mean....

I like lists. I think it's part of my obsessive-compulsive disorder (which isn't as bad as it used to be). I used to be a chronic hand washer. It would cause dry skin the likes that have never been seen. Germs were a bit of a problem for me. I still wouldn't lick a door handle but I have come to understand that not everything is going to kill me.

What might kill me however, or at the very least drive me nuts, is the constant pondering of the things that make me shake my head. Sure, wars bother me. Needless animal cruelty and death bring tears to my eyes. (In a world full of hate and pain, I think animals should be the true inspiration to people). You'll never see animals needlessly kill their young or another animal. They kill for a reason - their survival. But the beauty and understanding shown by animals amazes me and even if it's just for a while, it makes me appreciate what is beautiful in this world. My dogs, for instance, will never hurt my feelings. They will never say anything cruel to me or each other. They will never move out and not call for months. They will never not show up for a dinner date. They love me and that love is unconditional.

But there are still imponderables and those really make me stop and think....

1. General Motors, God love them, (because I don’t think anyone else does), needs a reality check. I saw a car yesterday on the road, bearing that known-the-world over Chevrolet insignia. You know the one. It was on a car that I don't think I have seen before (and hope I never do again). It was sort of a pick-up truck front but was a convertible. I don’t know what to call it. It was ugly. It was frankly, one of the stupidest vehicles I have ever seen. But I thought "That explains everything. The Board of Directors at GM actually approved that thing for production. No wonder the company's in a hole". Way to pay back that government bail out. Losers. Given a choice between that and a Smart car, I would have to take the Smart car (which is saying a lot as I deplore Smart Cars).

2. To a subject close to my very opinionated heart, music. I don't like a lot of different music. I have tried listening to country, dance and opera. Country is boring and that twangy accent drives me nuts. I don't like dance music because frankly, unless you're in a club in downtown Toronto wearing your $200 jeans and you're under 25, what's the point? It unimaginative and boring. I can't stand the drum machine THUMP THUMP (for God sakes, try a human drummer). Opera is just annoying. I don't mind classical music if I am in the mood. I love acoustic guitar so I could pretty much listen to that 24/7. I love Brit Pop and the new alternative rock. It's diverse, they have drummers and a lot of the time, the lyrics are interesting and well thought out. But something I can not stand and doubt I ever will is rap. What is so musical about a guy rhyming to a drum machine, talking about how he popped a cap in someone's ass and blew some smack? I mean hey, to each his own, but that's not music. That's just spoken word to a boring drum beat. I really really don't get it.

3. People that continually shoot off their mouth without thinking…..elected members of government at all levels, government employees, men, women, you name it, they're everywhere. I can only suggest that people take the time to think out what they want to say and try to imagine how other people might take it. Seriously.

4. Pit bull type dogs - I can understand that each breed has it's fanciers. I get that. I don't get the little mops of hair that people call dogs either. But I understand that the toy and mini-poodles, the Maltese, the Havanese, they have their place. Older people may find walking a hyper Retriever a bit of a challenge, not to mention a threat to their bone health. But the pit bull's place in history are as fighting dogs. It's bred in them. I read a stat in the Toronto Sun recently that stated "one study found pit bulls and part-pit-bulls accounted for 1,618 of 2,815 serious attacks on humans in North America since 1982". I actually found the study online. That being said, I wouldn't trust one around my children, or my friends children. Personally, I am afraid of them.

5. I don't get the whole fundamentalist religious fanatics. What ever happened to live and let live? Does it matter that Christians believe in Jesus, Muslims believe in Muhammad, Hindus Karma? Really, does it? Personally, I could care less what religion someone is. Instead I look at other things: unbelievably, how nice someone is. How truthful. How caring they are of their fellow humans. This and this alone is a testament to someone's goodness, not how they worship, what building they do it in or what God they pray to.

6. Back to music for a minute. One of my big un-important imponderables is Oasis. They are one of my favourite bands. I love Noel's guitar playing and his songs make the whole world sing. They are undeniably the wonder of Manchester to many a music fan. They are filthy rich, have millions of fans and have sold out football stadiums through out Europe. But, given an opportunity to one day speak with Noel and Liam, the first question I would ask is "Why are you two the biggest assholes in the music world?" They give Billy Corgan a run for his money. The problem is, there are two Gallagher brothers and a more miserable musical pair I dare you to find. It confounds me why these two people, who have the world at their disposal, are working at something they supposedly love to do can be so bloody unhappy and nasty. They make nasty comments about EVERYONE including each other. They seem to not give a damn about their fans, the very people that made them filthy rich. Their concerts are notoriously short (I personally attended one that was about forty minutes long all for the bargain price of close to $60 a ticket. Not to mention, the concert had been postponed three months earlier). They start bar room brawls. They get drunk on airplanes. They act like they hate each other and it's no surprise they broke up. Which for their fans, is too bad. (I love them so much, I titled this entry after one of their songs....) It would be nice if they weren't such jerks....

7. There are people that read the new websites and feel that they must, no matter what, comment on whatever news story they read. Which is perfectly fine…..if they have something of value to add. Most don't, however. Last week, I read a story about the new Apple iPad. I read the article because I am interested in the product and if I had $600 I didn't need to pay bills or buy groceries with, I would definitely buy one. As it stands, I will have to make due with my laptop. But, I am interested in Apple products so the article was worth reading. I decided to read the comments section, which I usually don't because I really don't care what other people think. One of the first comments, by a man, was how he was tired of Steve Jobs dictating what programs his computers could use, how Macs are overpriced, how his Netbook does everything better except for battery life and how he would NEVER buy an iPad. How is this valuable information? Really? Think about it. Any Mac users I know wouldn't waste their money buying another PC. How does he know his Netbook is 'better' if he's never used an iPad and lastly, do we care that Joe Blow Nobody would never buy an iPad? I don't. My question is, however, why did he read the article if he hated everything Apple? If I am skimming through a newspaper and there's a big article about GM, or Harley or Miley Cyrus, do you think I am going to read it? No, because I DON'T CARE about those things. I have no interest in GM because I don't like their cars or their business practises. I don't like Harleys and would never consider buying one. And we all know what I think of Mily Cyrus. So why would this guy waste the time reading an article about an item he didn't want, by a company he hates? Then to take the time to comment on it? I don't get it.

8. Finally, I must comment on people. We all know how intolerant I can be of the bull-crap which life entails. My friend Victoria and I laugh at our assertion that neither of us will ever amount to anything more important in our jobs because we just can't be bothered playing the game. She says it's that we aren't ambitious. I agree to a point. For me and probably for her, it's the phoniness required to play the game that we can't stand. We watch, on a daily basis, the worker bees walking around the office, hanging on their bosses every word, saying "Yes, sir" and "Yes, boss" and "Whatever you say" as if the person they are cow towing too has the power to turn off the sun with a snap of their fingers.

So yes, she's right. I am not ambitious. I go to work, try to do the job that I am permitted to do, then I come home and enjoy the rest of my day. That's the way it is for me. I don't live for my job. I never will. At least, I won't unless I get a job that is fulfilling and has some meaning for me. What that is, I have no idea right now. But I think I better figure that out soon.

And I know, these aren't the most important things in the world. (Other than the "live and let live" philosophy people should take when it comes to religion) but it's fun to rant. Really….it is……Right D? Do you know what I mean?

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