Sunday, November 14, 2010

Super Heroes Buttboy and J Lo Ass Blond Skinny Chick

Only in Toronto?  I sure hope so.....

Saturday night, my boyfriend was given two tickets to a Leaf game and he asked me if I'd like to go. I said yes.  

My only issue with going to things like this is the crowds.  I dislike crowds.  I hate traffic, especially stop and go, the honking, the idiots that are changing lanes for no reason.  I hate feeling trapped in a place, shoulder to shoulder with people.  And I hate seeing things that disturb me.  And the law of averages says, go to a place with 20,000 people and your chances of seeing something that you don't want to see increases.....well, I guess 20,000 fold.      

I was not to be disappointed (I guess that depends on how you look at it).  Please meet: 

Buttboy and his sidekick, J. Lo Ass Blond Skinny Chick

We left our seats at the first intermission.  The hallways are packed with people.  There are people at lines trying to get food and beer, those lines are blocking the way of people trying to walk to restrooms and other people trying to walk back to their seats, it's basically chaos.  We are forced to stop because people can't get out of the way, so I am behind Kevin and I just happen to glance to my right and there in front of me is a guy and a girl.  The girl is wearing black leggings and a tight nylon type t-shirt that doesn't cover her bum.  Are you getting the picture?  I think the leggings were meant to be worn with those long tunic sweaters, but I am no fashion expert.

The girl is to the right of him and he has his finger, oh, how do I say, um, in an inappropriate place, on her, um, I will say that his finger is completely hidden, and he keeps moving his finger, and he's a tall guy and she's perhaps my height, so he's making an effort to reach and really, my good God!!!

Anyway, their backs are to me, they are looking up at a menu.  They are about two feet from me, so pretty close.   I am no prude.  Really, I am not.  I have no problem with public displays of affection - to a point.  But that was too much.  Way too much.

I am disgusted and regret looking over in that general direction because now that vision is seared onto my brain and I fear it will never go away.  But I start laughing like I have just seen the funniest thing in the world and I yell to Kevin because it's so loud in there "Hey hon, did you see that?" and he turns toward me and says "Oh yeah!"  so not being able to leave it alone, because I just can't, I say "It looks like his finger was up her ass!"  

Just as I say that, two men walk by, stop and look at me and say "Really?" I confirm, they start laughing, yell "Get a room!" and as they walk away, I notice Buttboy and J. Lo Ass Blond Skinny Chick giving me the evil eye.  They've both turned 180 degrees and are facing me like we're going to have a showdown.  They're both bigger than me.  They could both beat me up. But all I am thinking is "I hope Buttboy doesn't touch Kevin or I with that finger!"

It's unfortunate, but I haven't been able to get the vision out of my mind and I hope that something good comes of this.  Perhaps Buttboy and his little chickie went home and reflected on their behaviour and maybe talked about it.  Perhaps they came to the conclusion that that sort of behaviour in public is inappropriate and they will make an effort to keep Buttboy's fingers out of J. Lo Ass's orifices whilst they're in public from now on.

Or, the more likely scenario, they called me a number of unfavourable names half the night and got drunk on cheap Tequila.   

I bet the latter.

And the Leafs lost...

1 comment:

  1. Ew. Why punish the rest of us with the same visual. I will never forgive you for this. Ew.
