Thursday, December 16, 2010

To Be (a Winter Driver) or Not to Be

We live in Canada.  More specifically, we live in an area of the country that has snow.  With this fluffy white stuff brings out even more idiot drivers than normal. (See post Pet Peeve #2 in May of this year).  

I for one, am tired of dealing with those drivers that for whatever reason, can't get their cars to go faster than forty kilometres an hour when a bit of snow falls.  It's not C4.  It's snow.

I am not saying that when there is a raging snow storm that one should drive 120 down side streets, passing all that dare get in their way.  I am suggesting however, that if you must live in this part of the country, you learn to drive in winter weather.  If you can't, if it's just too much for you, I suggest you move to the tropics or at the very least, Vancouver Island.

I understand that if you have just moved here from southern climes, driving in the snow may be a daunting task.  I get it. I for one wouldn’t want to drive through a typhoon, lava, minefield or roads that have heaved up due to earthquakes.  Lucky for me, I don't have to deal with that.

But (a big BUT here) if you have lived here all your life, you know that it snows from December to March, sometimes earlier, sometimes later.  There is absolutely no reason on God's green or white earth why a native born Canadian can't manoeuvre safely in some snow.

1.  The Steering Wheel Clutchers - these gems were mentioned in the previous bad driver post.  They scare me for the simple fact that they are so intent on holding on to the wheel, are they really aware of what's going on around them?  Most clutchers drive way below the posted speed limit and sport a look that says 'The devil is going to catch me any minute!"  Just drive.  At a normal speed, for God sakes.

2.  "Can't decide where the lane is" drivers are another treat.  On a two lane roadway, they drive over the centre line.  On a four lane roadway, they just drive up the middle of the right lane.  At least these ones are on the right side of the road.  I know the lines are covered in snow, but really?!  Can't you judge from the curb? 

3.  The Gunners -  The road is slippery because there is snow on it.  When stopped at a stop light or stop sign, hitting the accelerator like you've just took at break at a pit stop at a Nascar race isn't going to get your anywhere.  Scarier still are the ones that do this in those honking huge pickup trucks designed to tow Canadian Forces tanks.  They start fishtailing wildly and if you are unlucky enough to be stopped beside them, you see your life flash before your eyes.

4.  My personal favourite - the Snails.  Driving 20 kilometres an hour no matter what the posted limit (as far as I am aware, there isn't a paved road in Canada with a posted limit less than forty kilometres an hour) is just an accident waiting to happen.  People get angry and try to pass, often when it's not safe to do so.  You can get a ticket.  For impeding traffic.

5.  I also love the drivers that are lucky enough to own a vehicle with four-wheel drive or all wheel drive.  Throw some snow tires on there and you have one invincible human being!!  Hello?  Just because you have snow tires, doesn't mean you won't kill yourself driving like a knob.

Nervous?  Don't LIKE driving in snow?  Not USED to driving in snow?  Don't do it.  Save everyone else some time and some blood pressure points.  There is NO excuse to drive like a moron in the snow.  It's Canada.  If you're not used to it by now, you never will be.  Store your car in the winter and take public transit, for the love of all that's holy.

Merry Christmas.

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