Monday, December 27, 2010

New Year's Resolution?

I found a quote the other day that I really liked:

How few there are who have courage enough to own their faults, or resolution enough to mend them ~ Benjamin Franklin

Of course, the beauty of this quote to me is that it brings to mind my own faults, which are numerous.  (Yes, I too question what is beautiful about one's own faults, but there it is).  Some of them, I actively work on fixing.  Others, I admit, I can't get rid of.

About five years ago, my New Years resolution was to be a kinder, gentler Sue.  I was going to be more tolerant of stupid people, more patient and a variety of other things that happily, I have forgotten about at this point.  I think one was not having road rage five times on my way to work every morning.   The other was not jumping to conclusions.

This resolution didn't work.  I think I lasted three days.  I have no patience for much.  This much is obvious.  Easier for me would have been to not eat for a month than to change what is essentially my emotionally screwed personality.

I think I am a good person.  Overly sensitive sometimes.  Quick to anger.  Materialistic and somewhat opinionated.  But generally, a good person who cares about the people in her life.

But as a friend of mine likes to point out on a regular basis:  everyone is screwed up and most people are generally shit.  

So am I that bad?  Really?  At least I know my faults.  At least I accept them as being mine and realize that often, I am unreasonable and ridiculous.  Which is more than I can say for a lot of people.

So, no New Year's Resolution for me this year.  I accept myself in all my imperfection.  And if people don't like it, well, they can go to you know where.

Best wishes for a Happy New Year, perfect or not.

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