Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Great (and Not So Great) Things About Dogs

I love my dogs like they are my children.  I think that's because my children are now men and once a mother, it's often hard to let go of that need to take care of them.  So, I have dogs.  Two beautiful Golden Retriever boys that I love to death, but routinely drive me nuts at the same time.  Somewhat like children.

I had a Golden Retriever before.  He was a wonderful dog.  He was well-behaved and calm.  He never chewed things he wasn't supposed to.  His worst faults were that he liked to carry socks around and he was very affectionate.

These boys?  Not so much.  Well, the affectionate part yes, as that's a big part of a Golden's personality.  But the rest?  No.  Not well-behaved.  Not calm.  And they often chew things they aren't supposed to.  Mainly sofas and shoes.

On to the great things about dogs-

1.  They truly do love you, no matter what.  You can yell at them, ignore them, forget to let them out for a pee.  It doesn't matter.  They will still love you.  They will still come running when you get home from a long day at work.

2.   They are good company.  When you want to be alone but not REALLY alone, they will just sit there and be with you.  No need for conversation.  No need to analyze what they're thinking.

3.  When you compare owning a dog to having a child, dogs are relatively cheap.  You don't need daycare.  They eat the same food everyday.  Same cookies too.  You don't need to buy clothes as they grow and they don't need car seats.  It's a win win.

4.  They'll walk as long as you want.  They won't start whining that they're tired or cold.  

5.  They don't talk your ears off.  They can communicate in other ways.

6.  They don't complain.  Ever.

The not so great-

1.  Mine don't sleep past 6:45 am.  Most of the time, they are up and ready to go at 5 am.  Luckily, they eat, pee, poop and fall back asleep.

2.  They still love me unconditionally, but I suspect it's partly because I hold the key to their kibble stash.

3.  Dogs are inexpensive until they need to go to the vet.  Then it's game on.

4.  I sometimes wish they could talk.  It's often frustrating to realize that Manchester has decided to pee on the floor by the door, all because you didn't notice him standing there, ready to go.

5.  They like to eat things you'd rather they avoided.  For mine, it's toilet paper and dryer sheets.  Manchester is two years old and I still can't leave a roll of toilet paper unattended in a bathroom.

6.  Having two dogs if a challenge.  If one is less well-behaved than the other, they often drag the good dog into the fun, which in my house, is getting Oscar to indulge in some wild and crazy toilet paper shredding.  Luckily, when Manchester is helping himself to some cheese cake whilst standing with his paws on the counter, Oscar realizes that that behaviour is totally inappropriate.  Good dog....

7.  And the saddest part of owning a dog - they don't live long enough.  January 5th marked the second anniversary of Timone's death and still I think about him every day.

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