Saturday, January 15, 2011

Junk Much?

For four and a half years, I have lived in a house that I didn't want to live in.  I won't go into all the boring details, but it's been hard to stay someplace where I haven't wanted to be, where there are bad memories and where I spent a lot of sad time.  I knew four years ago that the best thing for me would be to sell this house and buy another home, smaller, less expensive to heat and maintain, where I could begin the road of developing new,  happy memories.

Now, I am "permitted" to sell the house.  The "paper" says I must list the house for sale by April 30th, which for normal people is a lot of time.  I need a LOT of time.

In the past, I have prepared this house to list.  It took a steady two weeks of cleaning, de-cluttering and the dreaded getting rid of all the junk.

I have probably cleaned out the basement seven times since I moved here.  Each of those times I took a fully loaded SUV or pick up truck to the landfill to get rid of the crap that I figured no one would want.

But I haven't done it in some time.  The basement is full of stuff and I honestly don't know where it came from.

I am a pack rat.  I like things.  Lots of things.  Which is going to pose problems when I do get my smaller, less expensive house.  There will be furniture to get rid off, boxes in the basement to dispose of, all most likely filled with stuff that no one has looked at in at least five years.

A few months ago, I started a list - HOUSE CLEANUP.  There was about twelve must-do's on that list. I worked at it for a while.  I still have nine to go.

So, April 30th?  Gee, Miss Procrastination better get her ass in gear.

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