Thursday, February 3, 2011

De-junk Update #2

It's been over four weeks and still, I haven't made an attempt at de-cluttering.  I would like to say I have had such a busy social life, I haven't had time.  That would be a lie.  I could also say that really, I WANT everything so there is nothing to get rid off.  That would be lie number two.  The sad truth is - I just don't want to do it.  Its a huge job, it's daunting, it's not fun, I am going to get dirty doing this and really, there are more fun things I would rather be doing - like crawling onto the sofa, fireplace spewing warm air with my favourite tea and my book.  Who wouldn't?

But time is wasting.  It has to be done.  I can't rely on my son to do it.  He can't keep ONE room clean so it's me or nothing.

Speaking of my son, I told him that I have a real estate agent coming on Monday and his room needs to be clean before then.  I want to see how seriously he takes this.

Probably as seriously as I have taken my de-cluttering job thus far.

I think I'm in trouble.

My plan for this weekend is:  Saturday, clean out the garage.  I need someplace to put all the stuff I am getting rid of so the garage is the best place to store it.   This of course depends on a few factors.

1.  If the planets are aligned correctly, it's a go.
2.  If the Leafs win tonight, it's a go.
3.  If it's not fifteen below, it's a go.

To be honest, if I am too tired, it's not a go.

Really need some motivation.  Can you buy that somewhere?

I'll post how that goes on Monday.


  1. If my will is strong, I'll come help. Problem is that my house is worse and I KNOW I will take all your stuff that you're getting rid of!

  2. Sounds like a big job. Why not just get rid of one thing every day, unless, by some miracle, you actually feel like tackling a big chunk at once? At least that way you're not stuck in the planning stage...
    p.s. Tea + book would be my choice, too.
