Sunday, February 6, 2011

Tired and Pissed Off

Today was my regular cleaning day - that is, the day that I clean the whole house from top to bottom.  I don't clean Ryan's room unless there's payment involved but it is still a big house and takes me most of the day.  I resent it, to say the least.  I don't want to live in this house so having to clean it regularly just pisses me off.  Sadly, I can't stand mess and the thought that something is dirty compels me to keep on top of it.

Knowing (as I do) the state of Ryan's room is nearly enough to cause a nervous breakdown and I hardly enter that room unless I need change for coffee or when I am missing too many of my drinking glasses.

A few weeks ago, while engaging in my regular cleaning, I decided to pass by Ryan's bathroom.  I don't use it, why should I clean it, I thought.  And it was really a test to see how disgusting that room would get before Ryan himself picked up some bleach cleanser and joined the ranks of responsible house cleaning adults.

So today, after a month of not being cleaned, I decided to check it out.

I could not be prepared for the disaster that awaited me.  I will spare you the worst of it, but suffice it to say that I've seen tidier bathrooms at truck stops.

It really is the laziness and lack of effort that pisses me off.

1.  Empty toilet paper rolls on the floor.  There is a receptacle in there, for garbage.  Full.
2.  No caps on:  toothpaste, contact lens solution, shaving cream.
3.  Whiskers everywhere - the vanity, the sink, the TOILET?  Does he shave while using the toilet??
4.  Used dental floss on the counter.
5.  Clothes on the floor.
6.  Empty contact lens boxes and the little plastic containers the lenses are stored in.  Garbage right there, easy access, just toss it all in.

So I cleaned it before I was host to new strains of bacteria.  It just disgusts me.  I don't know why he's like that.  I think that's perhaps what bothers me the most.  Is he my kid?  Did they give me the wrong child at the hospital?  He looks like me but so what?  I am sure there are tons of kids with the shape of my eyes and my nose.  Doesn't mean they're all mine.

I don't want him to be OCD, constantly washing his hands (like I do) or freaking out when someone leaves a piece of paper on the table.  I don't want that.  But some semblance of normal house hygiene, is that too much to ask?

And why, for the love of God, does he get so pissy when I tell him to clean his bloody room?  It's my damn house for God sakes!!!

I do know this:  I've had it.  His room needs to be cleaned by 4pm tomorrow or there will be a battle at this house.  One of us won't survive it.  And although I am tired and pissed off, I can guarantee it won't be me who sulks off, trying to ignore the other.  I am a stubborn bitch and that damn room will be cleaned.

Sorry, had to vent.....