Sunday, February 6, 2011

De-junk Update #3

By some miracle, I was able to clean out the garage yesterday. Nearly froze to death (nothing more fun that standing on freezing cold cement for an extended period of time) and my back is not happy this morning.

I also managed to clean out my pantry, fridge and freezer and some of the garage fridge as well.  I'll do the rest of that on a day that is warmer than minus 3.

So there are two jobs done.  Now I get to fill the garage up with junk from the rest of the house.  I can't believe how much fun this will be.

At least I got to cross two jobs off my iProcrastinate list.  Excited isn't quite a strong enough word for what I am feeling right now.

I need a nap.  It's only nine in the morning.

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