Saturday, January 29, 2011

It's Stupid to Argue With Stupid People

The fun never ends on Facebook.  Another American friend posted this gem:

"I believe in the right to keep and bear arms.  One Facebooker has challenged all gun owners to put this on their wall.  The Supreme Court of the United States has affirmed that the right to keep and bear arms is a fundamental right of the individual.  If you believe in the 2nd Amendment and you are not afraid to show it, re-post this".

At this point, I am not sure if the content of these stupid posts are what I have an issue with or if it's that these people are so unimaginative, they can't think up their own status updates.

Let it go!  We all know you Yanks love your guns.  We get it.  We don't understand it.  But we know that deep down, you're nothing but a bunch of war-loving air heads.  I would also hazard a guess that one quarter of the sheep that post this crap about your right to bear arms don't even have guns.  But damn it all to hell, if you wanted to own one, you sure as hell could!

In March 2005, four RCMP officers were ambushed on a farm.  All died.  The man that did it killed himself.  Canada mourned.  For a long time.  This, to most Canadians, was a horrifying thing.  Policemen die on the job, it's what happens.  But four officers at one time?  It was (and is) unthinkable.  

A few days ago, I read that eleven officers in the US have been shot and killed this year.  No one seems to bat an eye.  Are they immune to the horror?  Do they not worry how scary it is to realize that even policemen, the people hired to protect the innocent and keep the neighbourhoods where we live safe aren't immune? 

It would worry me. I worries me when one officer is killed.  

I don't even understand why the American's belief in guns bothers me so much.  I don't live there.  Maybe if more than half our news didn't come from the States, I would be ignorant to it and not care so much.  

But I guess it's that old problem I have with stupid people.  And really, it's stupid to argue with them.  They can't see how twisted their logic is.   They believe that the more guns there are, the safer they'll be.  They like vigilanteism.  They like to feel that they have the power to stop others with their gun.  The problem is, it's mostly the innocent that die.  

1 comment:

  1. I get really nervous when people fiercely defend their right to bear arms... even Charlton Heston's "from my cold, dead hands" speech freaked me out. That's one thing I'll never understand. Chocolate? Okay, I'd get it. But a gun? ::shrug::
